Monday, April 27, 2009

as i make my jump of Thrill!!!! i feeel as though my body is being pulled straight down to the water and that im experiencing weight less ness. Their is a force called gravity that is pulling my body towards the water. The pull of gracity is towards the earts core. Although i feel weightless for those few seconds i am falling i am not truely weightless because there is still a support force pushing on me. physics is everywhere and it explains my crazy life wooohoo!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

You spin me right round Baby right round baby right round here is a picture of one of our volleyball games. I couldnt get the picture because coach AL needs to make money by selling these pictures anyways. In the picture i tos the ball up in the air to serve it. Analyzing the picture i noticed that when i toss the ball i put some spin on it giving the ball rotational intertia. Newtons second law clearly states that an object in motion stays in motion so if i were to ignore outside forces and wind resistance the ball would continually be spinning. As my body is jumping i twist my shoulders to increase the torque so i can hit the ball with a greater force. Isnt physics neato i think so.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Work It

Photobucket as a young chld i enjoyed the fine arts of clay man ship. Little did i know that i was exhibiting physics. As i lift my beautiful sculpture of the dog in the picture i am exhibiting work. Work is defined as the quantity of force times distance. But as i hold it the piece in place i am not exhibiting work anymore because there is no change in force or distance on the art piece. Boy physics is alot of work

Monday, March 9, 2009


PhotobucketMomentum is the measure of an objects mass times velocity as you can see here is my band playing at kamehahmeha surf sample fundraiser. As i am hitting my drums it shows that physics can be found everywhere. The momentum of my drumstick is its weight times the velocity that i am hitting the drum with it. The cool thing that i learned in physics class is that before i even collide my stick with the drum it has the same momentum before and after. Crazy stuff huh just another day in my life where i experience physics!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jumping off the ground or the ground pushing me up??? so here is a picture from coach al's photo smug mug. Because coach al doesnt allow us to copy and paste pictures i have a link instead. As you can see im pretty high up in the air. befre i approached the ball i now realized how relevant it is to NEwtons third Law of motion. As i am getting ready to jump i exert a force to the ground but what i now noticed is that the ground is giving back an equal amount of force that my legs exerted. Thats crazy so now i know if i want to jump higher i need to increase the force exerted by my legs so that the ground force push will aslo increase.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


PhotobucketAs i was driving on the pali i noticed that my speed was constantly changing. At first i was oblivious to the fact of what was causing my car to accelerate, but than EUREKA! i learned in physics class that there are certain parts of my car that can affect the speed of my car. They are called accelerators which increases the speed and or velocity. They are three accelerators in the car. First off the break pedal, when i press on the break pedal my car decreases in its speed and decreases the velocity. The second acccelerator is the gas pedal when i press my foot on the gas pedal im gone my car speeds up and im as fast as lightining. the third Accelerator is a little tricky it happens to be the steering wheel. The Steering whee when you have to make a turn whether you notice it or not slows down the speed and velocity of the car. Physics is cool man

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What Lense Should I Use if I'm Nearsighted?

Photobucketunfortunately my vission is far from from perfect. It was probably from all of those books I read as a child that messed my eyes up but thats not important for now. I have nearsighted vision where i can see things that are close to me but not far. I was wondering what lenses are the most helpful converging or diverging lens. i found out its the diverging lens thats best suited for the job. It is because when i use diverging lenses it helps me focus images from a farther distance