Monday, December 15, 2008


As i was watching tv i decided to take a picture at the screen to see what would happen. Baazzoiks !!! to my amazement when i looked at the picture the tv screen i saw this straight flash of light! What the?! you could see the beam of light that the came from the camera's flash onto the tv screen. Because telivisions outer surface is smooth and sleek it was able to reflect the image of the flash of the camera. We learned in physics that light takes the shortest path reflecting off the smooth reflective surface to reach our eyes. If the TV was not smooth and rough it would absorb the light and the light would be scattered in different directions. Boy who knew you could find Physics taking pictures of Jack Bauer!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Ooooooooh! Physics!

Photobucket Oooh ahhhh must have been your first reaction to this bag, but your second reaction is man this bag is pretty darn red. The bag appears to be red to our eye because the bag has a low frequency and wavelength. There seven different colors that make up the color white. Red happens to be the lowest frequency and it is easier for the eye to see. the bag is absorbing all of the other colors of the spectrum except for red that is why the bag is perceived to be red. The Ooh is white which means that it contains the colors red orange yellow green blue indigo violet. The three main colors of the sprectrum is red green blue which account for all of the rest of the colors. Whoa these three colors can form all of the colors that just blows my mind!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Photobucketwell basically i know what your thinking how did I take a picture of optimus prime in its natural habitat. To those who think that way must not know anything about physics. Transformers play a big roll in our daily life. TRansformers work using alternating currents to induce voltage into the second coil. The second coil is only induced when it senses a difference in the current that is produced by the primary coil. This all happening inside the transformer. There are different kinds of transformers out there. Some are used to either increase voltage or others are to decrese voltag. The step down transformer in the pipcture here is transforming the high voltages to 120 volts for the compatability to power my house. Thank God for that transformer or else too much voltage would be at my house.

Its Magneto

PhotobucketIn physics we learned that magnets are used in our life more than we know. Magnets are defined as objects that have an equal amount of north and south poles with aligned domains. The earth itself is a big bar magnet with a south and a north pole. Magnets are related to motors. Using the generator effect we learn the using magnets and copper coils can induce voltage to power things. LIke lets say a radio like i have pictured at the top. As you can see as i crank the radio i am moving the coils around the permanent magnet to an induce voltage to power the radio without the use of the battery. Wow i dont think i could live in a world without magnets!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

As you can see me and my fellow classmates, peter , andrew and I went on a hike to embrace natures gift of life. The picture shows the telephone wires that stretch along all over the mountain. Hiking up there we saw birds fly on the wires. Peter was like " what the?!" I had to tell poor peter how it was possible for the bird not to be harmed. I had a brainblast to the day we learned in physics class about voltage differences. The bird did not explode or catch on fire and burn to death because both of its feet were touching the wire thus making the voltage diference zero. Good thing i know my physics or that would have been flustering my brain all day.

Monday, October 20, 2008

What The...?!

Photobucket As i was sitting on the toilet i noticed that one of the light bulbs was burnt out, but the others were still shining. Using my knowledge of parallel circuts it hit me. A parallel circut has more than one path for charges to flow through and has more than one resistor. In a parallel circut if one light bulb were to to be disconnected or burnt out it would not affect the other light bulbs. That is why many lights around the house are made of parallel circuts. Who knew?!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008


As i looked at my Cd Player i was wondering why it was not turning on. I look at the back of it and i see that the battery is out of its socket. It reminded me of the principles of elctrical circuts. An Electrical cicut is any path along which electrons can flow. In order for their to be a electical current there must be no breaks on the elctrical path way. There are two types of pathways for elctrical circuts, seriers and parallel. Series has only one pathway for the electrons to flow. In parallel they have different pathways branching of in sepearate paths for elctrons to flow. If i were to push in the battery to fill the gap in the circut my Cd player will now be ready to play my music.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Relationship of Music Theory and Physics


I started playing piano last year teaching myself how to play by just listening to songs i liked and tried to copy them on the piano. For some odd reason i could pick up certain pitches with my ear and melodic melodies everytime i played different notes. I had no idea why some notes sounded awesome together and why others did not. My music teacher taught me why the notes i played went well together. 440Hz is an important number to any musician because that is the frequency that everyone tunes to, which is the note A. Different notes have different frequencies. I would always play in different ocatves, but never understood there relationship. In physics i learned that octaves are differentiated by factors of two. In the picture my left hand is playing a G2 and a G3, the frequency for G4 is 396Hz so if i divide that by 2 i get 198Hz which is the frequency of G3 and i divide that number by two again i get 99Hz which is G2. Understanding the frequency of octaves and different notes has expanded my creativity and caliber on the piano. Who knew how mathematical music is?!!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Photobucket This is a picture at New Hope Windward where I currently play drums for the worship services. If you look closely to my drumset you will see the clear transparent drum shield. The surrounding acrylic glass shield is vital to the sound of my drums. Soundwaves reflects from a smooth surface the same way that light does. If I were to bang on my drumset without the shield, I would send sound waves in all directions reflecting off the walls of the theater. As the sound waves from my drums bounce off the walls, it causes too much reflections thus resulting in reverberations. The purpose of my drum shield is to simulate playing in a enclosed room. The shield balances out the reverberation and absorption of my sound waves to give me a crisper and more lively sound when I play on stage.